Thursday, December 20, 2007

Are we doing this holiday the best way?

Christmas is just a few days away and I find that I have developed a severe ying and yang interpretation of this holiday. We all know that if retailers were banned from holiday advertising the amassing of material goods to swap with family and friends would abate tremendously. People would just. calm. down. The few extra days of time off could be enjoyed with family and friends and the days leading up to it would not be so frenetic. That's the yang.

The ying is; it's a great opportunity to eat, drink and be merry with my family. I'd probably celebrate any holiday, any time, with great fervor if it meant my daughters were going to be around. They're fun.

I plan on enjoying the holidays and look forward to that fresh start/new awakening feeling that comes with the new year.


Liz said...

It is difficult to find that balance this time of year. If only we all could forget the materialism and focus on spending time with loved ones and giving to those less fortunate. That, would be truly rewarding.

Do you have any new year's resolutions?

Jack said...

Thanks for the comments. For some reason I don't have much of a list this year. Eat healthier, work out a bit more, get the documentary finished, be nicer to people in general, watch less televised sports...I guess the list is longer than I thought.

How about you?